Is It Better to Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?
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Is It Better to Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?

residential air conditioner with a new condenser unit installed

Knowing when it is time to repair or replace your air conditioner can be tricky at times. Is the problem significant enough that a full replacement is necessary, or can it be fixed with a simple repair? While repairs can cost less in the short run, if the problem is significant enough these small repairs can add up and cost you more in the long run. So how do you know when repairs are no longer enough and it is time to replace your air conditioning unit? In this post we will go over the life expectancy of an AC unit, signs it may need repairs, and signs it may be time to replace the unit. 

What is the Average Life Expectancy of an AC Unit?

Central air conditioning systems can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years with yearly maintenance, however, on average the lifespan of an AC unit is around 10-15 years. There are a few factors that play into how many years your unit will last before it begins to fail. For example, if you live in a warmer climate and therefore need to run your AC more to keep your home comfortable, that puts more wear on the unit and can make its life expectancy shorter. In addition, if your house is not well insulated and your unit has to work harder to maintain desired temperatures, then that can also make your unit not last as long. Lastly, and as mentioned earlier, performing annual maintenance on your AC unit will also play a factor in the unit’s longevity. 

The lifespan of your AC unit can also depend on the type of unit that it is. For example, outdoor condenser units can last for about 10 to 15 years, while a ductless mini-split AC system with heat pumps can last up to 20 years. It is important to know the type of unit that you have to determine its average lifespan. Knowing this information can help you in figuring out if your unit needs to be replaced. 

5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

A total unit replacement can be quite costly, and may not always be the right solution. Sometimes a quick repair can fix the problem and save you money. Signs that home air conditioner repairs would solve the problem can include the following.

Warm Air Coming From Your AC Vents

There are a handful of reasons that warm air is blowing from your AC vents, and not  all of them warrant a full unit replacement. Your thermostat could be faulty and not sending the correct temperature to the AC unit, causing it to run at a different temperature than the one you have set. In addition, there could be issues with the compressor in the unit or restricted airflow, both of which can be fixed with minor AC unit repairs. 

Air Conditioner Leaking Refrigerant

If you notice ice building up on your refrigerant line or a puddle of water around your unit, it may seem alarming but it is not always a critical unit failure that warrants replacement. Refrigerant leaks can stem from your unit running cycles that are too short and constantly turning on and off. An HVAC technician from Randazzo can come and easily fix any leaks in your unit without having to replace the whole thing. 

AC Unit Is Constantly Running

Have you noticed that your air conditioning seems to be running constantly without stopping or restarting the cycle? While this can potentially be a warning sign of a more serious problem, the most common issues that cause a unit to not stop running are ones that can easily be repaired without replacing the unit. It can be caused by a dirty air filter, dirty coils, a faulty thermostat, or even ductwork that restricts airflow

Strange Noises Coming From Air Conditioner

Typically, your AC unit should be relatively silent and you should not hear any noises coming from the vents. However, if you start to hear clanking, buzzing, or rattling, then your unit may need to be repaired. The problem is typically a simple fix such as tightening loose parts or cleaning elements of your AC unit that may be dirty. 

Poor Airflow

If you are noticing poor airflow coming from your AC vents, it is important to first check that the vents are clear of any debris and that they are properly cleaned. If the problem still persists, an HVAC technician can come in and check that the motor and blower in your unit are working properly. These are easy fixes and should not require a full unit replacement. 

hvac technician using manifold gauge to check and fill refrigerant

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Now that we know of some minor issues that can be fixed with simple repairs, how do you determine if an issue warrants a repair or a full replacement? There are some signs you can look out for with your AC unit that may indicate it is time to get a new unit. Some signs that it is time to replace your AC unit can include the following. 

Air Conditioner is More Than 10 Years Old

It seems fairly straightforward, but if your unit is more than 10 years old it may be time to replace it. AC units wear down over time, and 10 years is around the time when, if you are having consistent problems, it may be best to replace the unit altogether. 

Frequent Breakdowns

Your unit needing constant maintenance and repairs to keep it up and running can be a sign that it is time to replace the unit. Even minor repairs can build up over time and can eventually start to cost you more than a replacement unit. Especially if you are noticing that one part of your unit is consistently breaking, then it is time to consider replacing the unit. 

Rising Energy Bills

If you are not changing the temperature on your thermostat or how you run your unit yet your energy bills continue to significantly increase, then your AC unit may need replacing. Minor fluctuations in your bill are to be expected, but if your bill is skyrocketing without you making any changes, then that can mean that your unit is no longer running efficiently or is struggling to keep up.

Your AC Unit Uses R-22 Freon

Starting in January 2020, the U.S. stopped producing your typical Freon found in all AC units manufactured in 2023 and older due to its negative impacts on the environment. If your AC unit is over 10 years old, then it probably uses a refrigerant called R-22 Freon. If your unit breaks and the freon refrigerant needs to be replaced, there may not be freon available to recharge it if needed. In that case, you would need to replace your entire unit. You can stay ahead of the issue by replacing your unit ahead of time if it uses R-22 Freon.

Replace or Repair Your Air Conditioner: What Should You Do?

When figuring out when you should start looking into replacing your AC unit, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine what is best for you. Questions can help you determine whether the issue can be solved with a simple repair or if a unit replacement is in order. These questions can include:

What is the Age of Your AC Unit?

The type of unit you have can impact your answer to this question, but for a well-maintained HVAC unit, the average lifespan is about 10-15 years. If your unit is less than 10 years old, it should still have plenty of life left and repairs should be enough to fix any issues. If your unit is a little older than 10 years, then it may be beginning to wear down and a replacement may be an option. If your unit is over 15 years old, then it may be time to consider replacing the unit.

What is Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency Rating? 

Your unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) can determine how effectively your unit is running and the costs of running your unit. If your SEER is 14 or higher, then that is a good ratio and your unit is running efficiently. However, if your unit’s SEER is 13 or lower, you could save on your energy bills by replacing your unit with a new and more efficient unit. 

How Often Does Your AC System Break Down?

The number of times you need to call a technician to come look at your AC unit may indicate a replacement. If your unit is breaking less than once a year, then the issue is probably a fluke and a repair should suffice. However, if you are having to call in issues every few months, then it may be more beneficial to replace the unit. Not only does this save you money in the long run, but it also saves you the hassle of calling the HVAC company all of the time when your unit breaks down.

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Choose the Expert HVAC Technicians at Randazzo

Looking to meet with an HVAC company and discuss the current state of your AC unit? Our team of experts at Randazzo Heating, Cooling, and Electrical are ready to help you! We will work with you to diagnose the problem with your air conditioning unit, assess the severity of the issue, and determine whether you will need repairs or a full unit replacement. Contact us online or over the phone at (586) 271-8003. We serve homeowners in areas of Southeastern Michigan and Metro Detroit such as Troy, Rochester Hills, Canton, Oxford, and more.

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