7 Furnace Noises You Should Never Ignore
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7 Furnace Noises You Should Never Ignore

7 Furnace Noises You Should Never Ignore

Have you ever heard a strange noise coming from your furnace? Any sudden noise can be alarming, but when it comes from your furnace, there can be an added level of panic. Problems with your furnace can have severe repercussions if not addressed quickly, and the cause of the noise can be pretty costly.

However, do not freak out just yet. Multiple different noises can come from your furnace and not all spell catastrophe. If your furnace is making noises, we have created an outline of seven common types of sounds and tips for troubleshooting issues in your house.

Furnace Making Loud Noises? Here’s What They Mean

When you say that your furnace is making noise, there are multiple different noises that it could be. Each noise has a different cause, and some are more serious than others. A furnace making noise can be cause for concern, and it is essential to know the difference between various noises. The seven most common loud noises from your furnace include a rattling sound, a chirping noise, a banging sound, a squealing or whistling sound, a buzzing sound, a scraping sound, or a popping or clicking noise.

1. Rattling Sounds

A rattling sound from your furnace can have a couple of different causes. It could be as harmless as a loose bolt in the access hatch, which can be fixed by simply tightening the bolt. On the other hand, it could also be a sign of a crack in your heat exchanger, blower fan motor, or burner.

2. Chirping

There is definitely no bird in your furnace, and any chirping noises you hear are cause for concern. This can mean that your furnace is simply heating up and the noise is normal. However, it could also mean that there is something wrong with the mounting plate or blower motor.

3. Banging Sounds

If your furnace makes a loud banging noise when it first turns on, this could be caused by a small gas explosion due to a delay in the ignition. If there is a slight delay when the burner lights, gas can build up in the combustion chamber and cause a small explosion.

This delay can be caused by a problem with the gas pressure in the furnace. Do not try to fix any gas pressure issues on your own, as any error in disassembling your furnace can lead to toxic gas leaks in your home.

4. Squealing or Whistling

A squealing noise coming from your furnace could be a sign of a problem with your blower motor. While this is not an immediate emergency, over time it can cause the motor to overheat and cause a more catastrophic failure of your furnace. On the other hand, whistling points more toward an issue with airflow. If you hear a whistling, you can try to change your filters to see if that gets rid of it.

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5. Buzzing Noises

Is a buzzing furnace dangerous? It could mean that a part in your system is loose. To avoid damage to your gas burners, hot surface ignition system, or heat exchanger, turn your furnace off if you hear a loud buzzing noise.

6. Scraping Sounds

A heater making noise can be alarming, and a scraping sound is no different. It could mean a worn-out ball bearing or a loose blower wheel.

7. Popping or Clicking

Loud clicking or popping furnace noises are hard to diagnose, as they can have various causes ranging in severity. Older furnaces pop and click when they start up, and these noises are harmless. A cracked heat exchanger can also cause it.

Tips for Troubleshooting Furnace Noises

Before calling a furnace maintenance technician to look at your system, there are things to try at home to see if they stop the noise. Firstly, if your furnace filter is dirty, change it. You can also open and clean your vents to improve airflow. Lastly, check your furnace pilot light for any noticeable issues.

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Avoiding Future Noises with Preventative Furnace Maintenance

If your furnace makes a loud noise when turning on or while it is running, contact our team of professionals immediately by phone at 586-336-1111. Our team offers dependable furnace repair services in Detroit and other areas throughout Southeast Michigan.

Sudden noises coming from your home’s furnace can be a serious cause for concern, and they should be addressed by a professional as soon as possible. Our team of experts at Randazzo are ready to provide you with emergency furnace repair or furnace replacement services.

We value an outstanding customer service experience and HVAC projects that are designed to last. We are proud to serve homeowners in the surrounding areas of Macomb, Canton, Ann Arbor, Detroit, and more.

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